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Call for Abstracts

Last date for submission: 15 July 2022

Many challenges are faced by us today at the local, national, and global levels in assuring the health and wellbeing of all individuals. It is increasingly clear that resolution of complex health problems requires interdisciplinary and intersectoral expertise as well as cooperation amongst different streams of Medicine.

At this critical time, it is the responsibility of the global community to acknowledge shared interests, set common goals, and drive towards teamwork to benefit the overall health issues. We welcome original research works that introduces new ideas and concepts, and understandings amongst the different fields of Nutritional medicine helping in achieving health and wellbeing to be presented as poster.

Abstracts of outstanding quality or describing highly innovative research will be invited for oral presentations alongside internationally renowned plenary speakers. Authors will also have the opportunity to have their full text considered for publication in the Conference Proceedings (with ISBN).

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Delegates willing to present their research as oral presentation and or publication of full text in conference proceedings should indicate the same while submitting the abstract.

Submission Criteria

  • 1

    Abstract in English must be typed with single-space (Font: Times New Roman; Size 12) within 300 words. (excluding name and affiliations).

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    Name of the Author(s), and Affiliation(s) should be indicated.

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    Name of the Presenting author should be in bold and underlined; with his/her e-mail mentioned.

  • 4

    Abstracts should include Aim / Objective; Materials & Methods; Results and Conclusion (No equations / images references / citations to items described in the full abstract).

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Abstracts should be sent directly to the email ID: connect@nemconference.com